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Jesus Mission is our Mission?

Why did Jesus come to earth?

Read Luke 4:16-21.

What does this passage tell us about the mission of Jesus?

Two thousand years ago, God’s Son entered a world of chaos – a world of poverty, oppression, injustice and war.

It was a world where hope in very short supply.

The most essential part of Jesus’ mission was, of course, to die for our sins on the cross and, through our repentance and faith in him, open the way for us to have eternal life with the Father.

The Word of God tells us in Romans 5:8, “God demonstrated his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. Jesus paid the penalty for our sins!

In (Luke 4:18-19) the word of God Says “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Jesus came to earth to preach the Good News – to give us an understanding of the Kingdom of God and the eternal hope that we have through Him. And Jesus delighted him self in doing this among the poor, the weak, the hurting and the rejected in society. Jesus not only preached the Good News through His words, but He powerfully demonstrated the Good News through His actions!

All over the Bible we see God’s compassion and concern for those whom are in need. In the Old Testament, he constantly commanded his people to reflect his heart to those around them read Isaiah 1:17 and feel the strength of God’s command to “learn to do right”, or in Jeremiah 22:3 to “do what is just”. God went as far as saying that “there should be no poor among you” (Deuteronomy 15:4-5).

Unfortunately, this was a lesson that God’s people struggled to learn – and in Isaiah 58 we see God’s frustration with His people because of this.

Jesus came to reconcile a broken world – to put into a right relationship all He created – and bring in a kingdom of righteousness, peace and justice. This is something that He has started, and which will a kingdom of righteousness, peace and justice. This is something that He has started, and which will be completed when He comes again!

In the meantime we still live in a world where there is enormous need, poverty, injustice and pain. As God’s people, we are commanded to show His compassion to the poor. We are called to be His hands and feet in a hurting world. And this is not optional. It is a responsibility with which we are entrusted and are expected to fulfill.

The vision of the IMLW is:

May each member spiritually become more vertical with God. Build a relationship with Him. Have you trully meditated what it really means to be a Vertical Believer? Being a Vertical Christian means developing, nurturing and maintaining a strong relationship with God. Your relationship will be based on the three components of the cross. The Center - where only God resides (center of your heart and life); the VERTICAL beam of the cross represents your relationship with God; and the horizontal beam represents your earthly relationships and service to others, reaching out to encourage and serve others. Each day we are ‘Striving to become a Vertical Christian’ so that we may ‘reach upward to reach outward’ to serve others, so that each member becomes more versatile with people socially. May each member personally become more balanced with oneself. you must guard your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Nurture your relationship with God, exercise regularly, eat well, and set aside some precious time for pure joy and relaxation. A little investment in “you” will yield huge dividends. You’ll have more energy, a clearer head, and the emotional capacity needed to balance all that life throws at you.


Renew your mind constantly with the word of God. Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Our ultimate goal through this is to rescue the lost, teach those who have been rescued, and send those whom have been thought.

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